[PRODUCT] Is LED Hedalight Bulb Really Waterproof?


  Welcome to BULBTEK, we are specialized in auto LED headlight bulbs for years.
  Nowadays, more and more suppliers advertise that their LED headlight bulbs are waterproof, many people promote their bulbs with IP67/IP68 waterproof randomly even though they don’t know what IP67/IP68 means. IP67/IP68 waterproof standard is probably that the product can work well in a certain depth of water for a certain time.
  Is the LED headlight bulb really waterproof? The answer is definitely NO. The LED bulb’s chips and PCB are naked, the electronic components are easily damaged or burned in moist/watery condition due to short circuit, so if you put the LED bulb into water and light it up, it will be died/burned sooner or later.
  There are few LED headlight bulbs with a transparent plastic cover on the top of LED body for protection and/or changing colors with a colorful film. They are probably not waterproof either, because the junctions between the plastic cover and the aluminum body are not fully sealed by waterproof glue or ultrasonic waterproof process.
  We did an extreme test of our BULBTEK LED headlight X8 and X9 in hot water at last week, and did a very clear record(counted the working time with an o’clock). Both of them were finally died after working several hours. Here are the results:
1. X9: fan cooling, 30W, 12V@2.5A, driver built-in, mini size.
Died after working 6 hours in water.
2. X8: fanless cooling, 1:1 halogen design, 20W, 12V@1.6A, plug & play, easy installation.
Died after working in water for 31.1 hours.
  Now, you may ask why people advertise waterproof if the LED headlight bulb is not waterproof? Let me try to answer this question.
  1. The terminal users like to see. It’s cool and attractive if put LED bulb in the water.
  2. Normally, the LED bulbs were installed inside the headlight kit, it’s almost impossible to have much water in headlight kit, unless the headlight kit was broken. So in most cases, the terminal users would not encounter the LED bulb problem which caused by water.
  But we do suggest you pay much attention on the rubber rings for waterproof(prevent water/moist go through the LED body into the headlight kit).
  Thanks for reading, be free to leave us messages if you have any doubts about auto LED headlight bulbs.
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Post time: Oct-09-2022
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