[Chigadzirwa & Chiitiko] BT-Auto Team 2 mazuva & 1 Usiku kuzorora uye kutungamira musoro uchityaira mune gomo reForong
"Basa Rinofara, Hupenyu Hunofadza" - unouya zvatinoita zviitiko zvatinofarira zvakare. BT-AUTO company, as a professional LED headlight supplier and also an energetic young group, we hang out together every month to get to know each other better and release stress by team-building activiti...Verenga zvimwe -
[Chiitiko] BT-Auto Team Karaoke & Exercises (Basketball uye Badminton)
Verenga zvimwe -
[Chiitiko] kukwira makomo muHuadu Fuong Gomo.
Verenga zvimwe - Kisimusi yakanaka! At Christmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days. BT-AUTO(Bulletek) is one of the leading auto LED manufacturers in China, we are professionally engaged in auto LED headlight bulbs, car LED bulbs, HID xeno...Verenga zvimwe